Thursday, 22 July 2010

Petitions against the councillors' pay rise

The peasants really are revolting.

Some residents have set up an online petition to protest about the recent hike in allowances that our councillors have voted themselves. The petition demands that the decision to award themselves this pay rise be rescinded by the council. Please sign this petition and make your feelings known.

Additionally, the local Times Group newspapers have now taken an unprecedented stand on this issue and set up their own petition, 'Reject the Rise'. It's really important that everyone who cares about the future of democracy in our borough takes a stand and signs this petition:

And of course there is a Labour petition organised by Andrew Dismore, which you may already have come across on the streets of the borough:

Please sign ALL of these petitions and remind our elected representatives of their duty to serve the residents of this borough rather than their own self interest.

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