Just to encourage lady comrades thinking about striking tomorrow on behalf of public sector pensions - and to upset Citizen Barnet's trolling Tory admirer, Mr David Duff: here is a lovely picture of swivel eyed trot Michael Gove setting us all a good example on the picket line. This will be the only occasion on which Michael Gove will appear in this blog, and in fact I am typing now with one hand over my eyes.
Thanks to Political Scrapbook for the photo.
Good luck to all tomorrow.
Does my heart good to see Brother Gove setting an example. We started the day chez Roper with a rousing chorus of Billy Bragg's There is Power in a Union; off to Brighton to picket and march. Solidarity!
Good man: although gone are the days, I see, when the morning began with a reading to the servants from The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, followed a summary of racing news from the Morning Star for the little Ropers. This is what happens when you go to live amongst the petty bougeoisie of East Sussex.
I feel full of remorse re Michael Gove: I think perhaps he is not wearing an anorak, more of a sort of bomber jacket. I can only apologise for this dreadful slur on all anorak wearers.
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