Wednesday 1 September 2010

Mrs Angry's Special Adviser: a Statement

Mrs Angry has become aware of the existence of totally unfounded and scurrilous speculation regarding the nature of the relationship between herself and her new political adviser, Miguel, a 25 year old salsa teacher from Rio de Janeiro.

These disgraceful allegations are based on the fact that Mrs Angry and her adviser recently spent the night in a twin bedded guest room in the Craggy Island View b&b, Doolin, county Clare, in order to discuss in depth her forthcoming political analysis of the Broken Barnet Tory leadership contest.

Photographs have been circulating showing Mrs Angry and her assistant in a 'social situation' . Any implication that this is evidence of anything other than a purely professional relationship is completely untrue. In this instance, Mrs Angry's assistant was merely attempting to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre, after she began to choke whilst reading news of the potential wholesale flogging of Barnet libraries, allotments, and even the Town Hall to anyone who will press a few used notes into the begging bowl of our shameless Tory council.

Wildly inaccurate stories have claimed that Miguel is hardly qualified to advise Mrs Angry on political matters, having only a few words of English, and a third class diploma in mime, puppetry and dance studies from the University of Broken Barnet, but she can assure readers that this is of absolutely no consequence and his competence and invaluable contribution in other areas is, quite frankly, more than sufficient justification for his employment.

Additionally, one might suggest that a lack of political experience and expertise would appear to be no disadvantage for the aspiring politicians amongst us here in Broken Barnet.


baarnett said...

An even worse set of accusations surround a secretive society of 39 persons, which inhabits a stretch of north London, and holds the downtrodden residents in a whirl of financial decrepitude, and general incompetence.

Meeting in a strange building on various evenings, this society seeks only to service its own aggrandisment, and is unable to function without one of its servants whispering in its ear.

Mrs Angry said...

Are we talking Womens' Institute,here, baarnett, or what? I blame those calendars, put ideas in their head.

franklymydear said...

On the Brent Cross blog there's a luvvie picture of the Great Leader (RIP) and the Dear Leader.