Wednesday 16 March 2011

St Patrick's Day in Broken Barnet

Is amadán tusa ... Póg mo thóin

A Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone else from Mrs Angry



ainelivia said...

.... can just see the scene, minions scuttling around the den of u no who trying to get a translator, and the Amadan muttering, what did she say about me!!!!! Find out now!!!

And a very Happy St Patrick's Day to you Mrs A, (-:::

Mrs Angry said...

for any Tory councillors who do not have the benefit of a close affinity with the Irish language, or Irish people, an approximate translation would be to cast some doubt on the full sope of his intellectual rigour, and to invite him to pay a personal tribute to Mrs Angry's derriere in a manner that might imply a rare display of humility and abasement ...