Wednesday 30 March 2011

Goodbye to all that

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Mrs Angry has not been able to attend the council meetings this week, which is tragic, obviously, and caused disappointment to one particular regular visitor from City Hall (new phone, or new ISP, Brian, btw?) But never fear, her spies are out in force, and she is keeping tabs on all developments. Mrs Angry has some very interesting new stories to follow, in fact.

*Update, Weds 15.40pm: Mrs Angry is amused to see from her stats that at last some of her workshy, good for nothing & slow on the uptake Tory admirers at the GLA (apart from you, of course, dear Mr Evans) have worked out how she sees them calling in - doh - and has left her some messages on a google search ... (some callers don't realise this shows up on the record - hence the sometimes surprising pathways people take to arrive at Broken Barnet, ie spanking convent schoolgirls (?) etc )... anyway, our chums at the GLA left the following: at 14.22.04, 'mrs angry is a rubbish barnet blog' ho ho and then 14.22.22 - 'hello mrs angry barnet blog you are rubbish!' Laugh? I nearly fell off my chair. You boys, what are you like? No work to do? Reminds me, I hear we have a new blogger, small but perfectly formed Barnet councillor Robert Ramsbottom, who makes the tea and sharpens pencils for the Tory group at City Hall: must visit soon ...

Goodness me, so many visits to yesterday's post: I had no idea that there was so much interest in the art of balloon making. Someone has asked if Miss Ballooniverse blows them all herself, or uses a hand pump technique. I don't know, but if you visit her website, you will see that she is available for weddings, barmitzvahs and possibly funerals too. Or you could ask Matthew Offord.

Oh and quite a lot of people from the LBB have been obsessively re-reading my posts on the very interesting security company MetPro Rapid, (or is it Emergency Response? what day of the week is it?). Mrs Angry assumes that this is because they are unable to contact her directly through her email account, which has mysteriously been blocked to certain addresses.

Anyway: Mrs Angry has reason to believe that tomorrow will be an exciting news day in Broken Barnet, and so, a little prematurely, she would like to draw attention to tomorrow's date, ie the 31st of March, and mention that this is the last working day for many Barnet employees facing redundancy. Some have already worked their last day, but tomorrow is the end for many others, many of them officers of long service and irreplaceable professional experience - such as the curator of our wonderful Church Farmhouse Museum, Gerard Roots, who is being kicked out after a long and distinguished career of many years, producing a long history of fabulous exhibitions at the museum, itself being closed by our shameless, ignorant Tory councillors.

Also receiving the order of the boot tomorrow, after an entire working life misspent in loyal service to the London Borough of Barnet, is Mrs Angry's long suffering, hard working, conscientious, considerate, and impeccably behaved brother. (I know, it is hard to believe we had the same parents ...) He will be better off out of the toxic atmosphere of North London Business Park, but now, like many of his colleagues, faces an uncertain future. So many are leaving, in fact, that there is little doubt that certain departments of our beloved council will be unable to fulfill certain statutory obligations. Mrs Angry predicts, when the dust settles down, and they think we aren't looking, the sneaky use of more contracted senior officers to fill the gaps, at more cost to us, of course.

Mrs Angry's brother has promised his naughty little sister that tomorrow he will visit the Democratic Services' stationery cupboard, liberate some One Barnet marker pens, and leave the following message in large letters on someone's desk:

Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius ...

For the benefit of our intellectually challenged Tory councillors, I translate:

Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.


baarnett said...

No, Brian would never use a Pruis, it's always a taxi.

Mrs Angry said...

ha ha, very good baarnett ... actually I think I have seen him driving an avensis - yes, driving ...

baarnett said...

The fact I meant a 'Prius' rather ruined the joke.

Just a thought Ms A - you never display Links to other Barnet sites, so you're a, well, sorry if you think this is unkind, Mrs A, but a bit of a cul-de-sac, rather than an open road, with lots of junctions...

Mrs Angry said...

oh do pay attention baarnett: I've told you before the links are on my profile page and I haven't a clue how to get them on this one, nor the time to sit and think about it really ... anyway, must update log with amusing hit detail